



美容及化妆品产业大会(BeaCos 2016)

2016/4/20 16:35:44 阅读数: 2618

国家统计局的数据显示,2015 年国内化妆品零售额达2049 亿元,同比增长8.8%,突破2000 亿大关。且根据国家食品药品监督管理总局数据,全国拥有化妆品生产资格的企业3,880 家。中国不仅是化妆品消费大国,也是化妆品生产大国。以强大的人口基数和可支配收入的提升为契机,中国的化妆品市场潜力也逐渐爆发,给国内外化妆品企业带来无限的发展机会。同时中国海外购买化妆品的火爆预示着国内市场还远远没有得到满足。

According to the authoritative data of State Statistics Bureau, the sales of cosmetics in China reached CNY 204.9 billion, increased by 8.8%, overall breakthrough 200 billion. And according to the report of China Food and Drug Administration, there are 3,880 enterprises which are qualified to produce cosmetic products in China. China, is not only a big consumer of cosmetics but also is a big producer. Taking the opportunities of the powerful population base and the rise of disposable personal income (DPI), China’s huge market potential in cosmetics is being released, this bring imponderable developing opportunities for international and domestic cosmetics enterprises. Meanwhile, Chinese has a keen on shopping cosmetic products on abroad. This indicates that domestic marketing is far from satisfied.


On the whole, domestic cosmetic enterprises have owned 20% market share, but foreign capital and joint venture enterprises have owned about 80%. However, with the continuously rapid growth of local cosmetic enterprises, some statics shows that annual growth rate of Chinese mainland brands is about 10%-15%. The market share of domestics brands is increasing gradually and stably, which brings big competition to foreign brands. Also with the enhancement of legislative supervision, Chinese cosmetic industry certainly will be more normative and thriftily.

国际美容与化妆品产业大会(BeaCos)将于2016 年6 月16-17 日在上海召开。本届大会将探讨在现行法规体制下的检测、营销、包装以及研发、生产的创新突破。届时将聚拢全球前150 强美容与化妆品品牌商的法规、检测、营销、包装、研发、生产等相关部门负责人以及优质供应商(原料供应商/贸易商,检验检测机构,标签及验证公司,包装设计/材料/设备供应商,生产设备供应商,营销渠道合作伙伴等)约300-500 位嘉宾出席。

International Beauty and Cosmetics Industry Convention (BeaCos) will talk place in Shanghai China on June 16th and 17th, 2016. This convention will investigate testing, marketing, packaging, research and development, production by innovative breakthrough under the current regulations system. The convention will gather global top 150 beauty and brands’ regulation, testing, marketing, packaging, research and development, production related department responsible person. It also gather higher quality suppliers (supplier of ingredients/traders, inspection and testing service providers, labeling and certification companies, packaging design companies / material /equipment suppliers, production equipment suppliers, marketing channel partners and etc.) around 300-500 guests.


International Beauty and Cosmetics Industry Convention (BeaCos) has been developed by professional team for over three years, it has gradually been the highest specifications and the most authoritative and influential convention of the whole beauty and cosmetics industry chain.


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