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中国美容博览会: 火爆化妆品招商网:


http://zt.5588.tv/cbeexpo/ 2016/6/2 9:33:20 阅读数: 1288



Once again, China Beauty Expo was a great success for centdegrés China! More than 10.000 people visited one of the three areas of centdegrés:

3.000 tailor-made perfumes distributed

1.000 “Created in China” offered to CBE VIPs

5.000 visitors left their RED mark on the artistic outdoor installation

See you next year for CBE 2017 for more surprises and experiences!!!




今年法尚也有幸邀请了国际合作伙伴 Azurtis、Capsum 公司以及气味图书馆,前来助阵,为品牌实现他们的梦想。三个合作伙伴公司分别代表了三个不同领域、手工艺和专业性的高水准。


China Beauty Expo and centdegrés co-created a unique space dedicated to reinventing and consulting Asian beauty brands. A revolutionary concept named the “Brand Building Lab”. Following last year’s success, centdegrés renewed the experience and pushed further the new trends in the beauty industry.

The Brand Building Lab gathered the industry key decision-makers working with the most famous Chinese and international beauty brands. They exchanged with visitors and gave a diagnosis on their brand, including strategy, style, future opportunities, design, communication, etc.

centdegrés was very honored to invite international partners to help brands to realize theirdreams: Azurtis, Capsum and Scent Library. They are high-end partners in thisgreat adventure, representing three different fields of expertise, craftsmanship, and advanced know-how all for Asian brands.

纷芬尔制 MEWE


centdegrés and Azurtis invited visitors to discover the MEWE Perfume Lab experience and revealed the secret of premium ingredients harvested all over the world. Visitors enjoyed an enchanting moment discovering floral, aromatic, woody, spicy and fruity notes from seeing the raw material to smelling the essence of each of them.




"Created in China" praises traditional Chinese values, a return to the roots of a culture with a strong imaginary and projects the image of a bold and modern country. More and more innovative, creative and top quality, Chinese brands have nothing to envy to Western giants. They now need to incorporate new international markets. VIP “Created in China” centdegrés meeting area was a place dedicated to the most influential Chinese players in the beauty field.

声明:本文原载于火爆化妆品招商网 中国美容博览会专题网站http://zt.5588.tv/cbeexpo/,转载请注明出处或保留此行。

  • 时间:2022年5月12-14日
  • 2022年5月12日 上午 9:00 -下午 18:00
  • 2022年5月13日 上午 9:00 -下午 18:00
  • 2022年5月14日 上午 9:00 -下午 18:00
  • 地点:上海新国际博览中心 (上海浦东新区龙阳路2345号)
  • 主办单位:上海百文会展有限公司
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